solve no such file to load — openssl error
Hi all
Was updating one server with rails 2.2.2 to rails 2.3.8. I upgraded ruby from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7 and also rubygems to 1.3.4 version from a source. When i did ruby script/server to start the server I got this error no such file to load — openssl
After a 15 mins R&D i found that this usually happens on an Ubuntu machine (which it was in my case). The solution is as follows
First install libssl using
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
Than go to the source of ruby and go to the following path
cd ext/openssl
Run the command one after the others.
ruby extconf.rb
sudo make install
Now try to do ruby script/server again……and boooooooom! solved.. Even after trying this you are stuck let me know I shall help you out.
excellent fix. been recompiling the whole ruby… didn’t know you can just compile that one component and add to ruby.
Sorry for the newbie question. I’m trying to figure out what the path to my ruby source is. I installed ruby 1.9.3 using rvm on Ubuntu 11.10. I can’t figure out where ext/openssl is.
Its on the source path. i.e the path from where you installed ruby.
Hope this helps.
Thanks worked fine 🙂
You can search for the install directory…
sudo find / -name openssl -type d
it’ll list all directories, it’ll be easy to find ext/openssl
mine was in /tmp directory. Ran the commands, and BAM! done deal.